Sunday, June 30, 2013

June 2013 Roundup

I took the month of June off from the blog, but plenty of other sites picked up the slack! Here's a roundup of Geeky Names profiled in the month of June.

Appellation Mountain profiled Tanith, first name of Sci-Fi writer Tanith Lee. Tanith was also a Goa'uld in Stargate SG-1.

In Name Only had Stark as their cool baby name of the week.

British Baby names talked about Ismeria, a rare name that has a slightly geek reference in that it's part of the genus name for a type of butterfly.

Baby Name Pondering has two names with a geeky side: Dale, and Fiora.

Nancy's Baby Name's Name Predictions contained a few geeky names, Cypher, Kitai and Tesla.

Bewitching Baby Names had an in depth profile of Ameratsu, which was the name of a Goa'uld in Stargate SG-1.

Nameberry had an awesome list of Celestial Names.

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